Concrete Supply
Concrete Supply
West Tennessee Dispatch
Phone: (731) 238-3110
Middle Tennessee Dispatch
Nashville Market: (615) 663-9011
Clarksville Market: (931) 999-3979
East Tennessee Dispatch
Phone: (865) 816-7255

We proudly offer the following mixtures:
- 3000 psi to 5000 psi Concrete Mixtures
- 100 psi to 1250 psi Flowable Fill Mixtures
- Line Pump
- Wall Mix
- Shotcrete
- Curb Mix
- Flowable Fill
- Grout
- Flatwork Mix
- High Early Concrete
- TDOT Approved Mix Designs (By Request)
Highlights of using PRI Materials:
- Our trucks are capable of producing up to 10 cubic yards of any concrete mixture on your jobsite.
- When using PRI Materials, you only pay for what you use. THERE IS NO WASTE!
- Fiber can be added to any mixture.
- Accelerator and retarder can also be added to any mixture.
- Pea Gravel mixes are available.
- Our trucks are able to produce red dyed concrete which helps mark underground electrical connections.
- The same truck can be used to produce multiple mixes on different jobs under the same mobilization.
- Slump can be changed on demand with PRI.